London & Partners
London & Partners is the official
promotional company for London.
It provides a free and confidential
service, helping overseas businesses
to set up and grow in the capital and
enabling London-based businesses to
expand internationally.
020 7234 5800
info@londonandpartners.com www.londonandpartners.com@L_Pbusiness
London South East Colleges –
Bexley (formerly Bexley College)
LSECBexley offers awide rangeof
vocational qualifications, apprenticeships
and higher education courses, tomeet the
needs of the local community andemployers.
01322 404000
MiddletonMurray is an award-winning
training, apprenticeship and recruitment
provider for London, Kent and Essex. It
helps young people gain the confidence
and skills to develop their careers for the
long term.
020 3857 9000
National Enterprise Network
National Enterprise Network is a
membership body representing the
enterprise support sector including
a variety of enterprise agencies and
Chambers of Commerce. Its members
provide independent advice, training
and mentoring to new and emerging
01908 605130
enquiries@nationalenterprise network.org www.nationalenterprise network.org@NatEntNet
The Prince’s Trust
The Prince’s Trust helps disadvantaged
young people in the UK to change their
lives and get into work, education or
training. The Trust provides advice,
mentoring support and financial
assistance to help them start a business
and learn essential skills for work.
020 7543 1400
webinfolo@princes-trust.org.uk www.princes-trust.org.uk@PrincesTrust
Skills for Growth
Skills for Growth is a charity specialising
in education and training for young people.
It co-ordinates apprenticeships and
traineeships in a wide range of business
sectors for local employers, and can help
businesses to access funding to support
the role.
020 8221 0500
info@skillsforgrowth.org.uk www.skillsforgrowth.org.uk@skillsforgrowth
Skills Training UK
SkillsTraining UK is a skills and
employability provider which co-ordinates
apprenticeships and traineeships, and
provides tailored training. It helps
employersmeet their business needs and to
develop skilled and productive employees.
020 8903 4713
achieve@skillstraininguk.com www.skillstraininguk.com@SkillsTrain_UK
South East Enterprise
South East Enterprise is a not-for-profit
enterprise agency which offers a range
course and services to established
businesses, start-ups, or individuals
who want to update their business skills.
020 8305 2666
South East London Chamber of
The Chamber represents businesses
in Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and
Lewisham. It holds regular networking
events to promote business between its
members, provides assistance to enable
them to develop their business and
campaigns on strategic issues such as
the environment and skills.
020 8317 3365
office@selondonchamber.org www.selondonchamber.org@SELondonChamber
Thames Innovation Centre (TIC)
The TIC provides high quality modern
office, meeting and conference space for
hire, and support to help businesses grow.
It offers an onsite café, free parking and
reception services.
020 8320 1000
info@thamesinnovationcentre.com www.thamesinnovationcentre.comThe University of Greenwich
The University offers a range of support
to businesses including specialist
facilities to help with developing and
testing new products, training and access
to business experts.
020 8331 7867
enterprise@gre.ac.uk www.gre.ac.uk/enterprise@UniofGreenwich